Tiffany Byrd Harrison

Video Producer | Filmmaker

What I do best

Will Smith’s Emancipation brought to mind a burning question: is it helpful or harmful to keep making slave films?

First video in 2024, I share my perspective on the Viral Interview with Mo’Nique and Shannon Sharpe on Hollywood.

Making videos is only the beginning

Being funny always came naturally to me, but being quiet did not. It led me to my acting career with over 10 years of professional gigs. But I struggled with my own voice - what do I stand for and how does that impact my life?

When I made the pivot to content creation and video production in 2019, a whole new world opened up to me. The missing piece was creating stuff that I could stand on. Stuff that was funny, thought provoking, transparent. Stuff that would encourage my audience to become who they are meant to.

Now with over 300 videos across social media and over 8,000 subscribers on my YouTube Channel, I push myself to continue on my mission of growing people with my content, breaking down cultural ideas, and sharing what I’ve learned with comedy and conversation. I also have Redemption in Media (RiM), my production company that’s producing nuanced and provocative content + microfilms for Millennial / Gen Z audiences.

Inspired by a true audition story, here’s a comedy sketch about an eager actor trying to make a good impression.